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Comprehensive Gifted Program » Program Guidelines

Program Guidelines

Student Identification, Selection, and Placement
A. Matrix: Comprehensive Gifted Program student rosters for CGP placement are submitted to Office of Magnet, Gifted and IB Programs by each school. Gifted coordinators collect and keep on file at their school the Teacher Checklist for Gifted/Talented Characteristics for every student in the building to Office of Magnet, Gifted and IB Programs. The Office of Access and Enrollment (OAE) designed an electronic version of the student matrix for staff to complete at the local level. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
B. Identification Criteria: Kindergarten grades will use the criteria of: Chicago Abilities Test (CAT) score, review grades (Well Developed, Developed, and Partially Developed), and the building gifted committee with the Kindergarten teachers will review student daily work routines and independence along with parent support at home. Primary grades 1-3 will use the criteria of: NWEA Reading and Mathematics Composite Score weighted 45%, grade point average using 3rd quarter grades with content areas reading, mathematics, social studies, and science; writing is not consistent in the district so it is not considered) weighted 45%, and a teacher checklist based on the characteristics of gifted and talented students (checklist out of 100 points) and is offered in English and ELL weighted 10%. Grades 4-8 will use the criteria of: NWEA Composite scores of Reading and Mathematics weighted 45%, grade point average using 3rd quarter grades with content areas reading, mathematics, social studies, and science; writing is not consistent in the district so it is not considered) weighted 45%, and a teacher checklist based on the characteristics of gifted and talented students (checklist out of 125 points) and is offered in English and ELL weighted 10%.
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum and Instruction Goals: To best meet the academic, social and emotional needs of our gifted and talented children in CPS, we commit to the following goals in our planning and designing units of study.